

合作社和中小企业部长(UKM)Teten Masduki表示,签署谅解备忘录是因为他们发现印尼在线市场中有50%以上的商品来自进口。这些平台已经同意不再从 进口,这对维持国内电商市场很重要,不是反自由贸易,而是为保护中小企业。合作社和中小企业部长(Teten Masduki)表示,签署谅解备忘录是因为他们发现印尼在线市场中有50%以上的商品来自进口。这些平台已经同意不再从 进口,这对维持国内电商市场很重要,不是反自由贸易,而是为保护中小企业。 Teten Masduki强调,此举旨在保护印尼的中小型企业,使其能够在竞争激烈的在线市场中存活和发展。他解释说,尽管自由贸易是推动经济增长和发展的重要因素,但过度依赖进口商品会对本地企业造成不可忽视的影响。因此,通过限制进口商品,可以为本地中小企业创造更好的商业环境。 此次签署谅解备忘录的合作平台包括一些知名的电商平台,它们已经同意停止从海外采购商品,以便将更多的市场机会留给本地企业。这不仅有助于推动本土产品的销售,还有助于提高就业机会和促进经济增长。 Teten Masduki还提到,该举措将进一步改善印尼的贸易平衡。印尼一直是许多国家的进口市场,出口依赖程度较高,因此通过减少进口商品,可以帮助实现贸易平衡,促进本地工业的发展。 然而,他也强调,这并不意味着完全关闭印尼市场对外贸易的大门。相反,印尼将继续与其他国家保持开放和友好的贸易关系,并在确保本地企业竞争力的同时,促进双边贸易的平衡和互利。 总之,签署谅解备忘录的目的是为了保护印尼的中小企业,维护国内电商市场的公平竞争环境。通过限制进口商品,给予本地企业更多的发展机会,有望促进经济增长和就业机会的提升。同时,印尼也将继续保持与其他国家的良好贸易关系,实现贸易的互利共赢。

合作社和中小企業部長(UKM)Teten Masduki表示,簽署諒解備忘錄是因為他們發現印尼線上市場中有50%以上的商品來自進口。 這些平臺已經同意不再從中國進口,這對維持國內電商市場很重要,不是反自由貿易,而是為保護中小企業。怎么 下载 instagram 的 照片,超級 粉絲,instagram likes 粉丝Indonesian cooperatives and the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM), Teten Masduki, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) because they have found that more than 50% of goods in the Indonesian online market are imported. These platforms have agreed to no longer import from China, which is important for maintaining the domestic e-commerce market and not a reflection of an anti-free trade stance, but rather a measure to protect small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In recent years, online shopping has become increasingly popular in Indonesia. Many consumers prefer the convenience and wide range of products available on e-commerce platforms. However, the dominance of imported goods on these platforms has been a cause for concern, particularly for local SMEs that struggle to compete with international products. The MoU signed between cooperatives and the UKM ministry aims to address this issue and level the playing field for local businesses. By reducing the import of goods, it is hoped that Indonesian SMEs will have a better chance to thrive and contribute to the country's economy. The decision to no longer import from China has sparked some controversy. Critics argue that it goes against the principles of free trade and may lead to higher prices for consumers. However, Minister Teten Masduki has clarified that this measure is not meant to be anti-free trade but rather a temporary solution to protect domestic businesses. The government also recognizes that China is not the only country from which imports pose a threat to local SMEs. The MoU is not limited to China but applies to all imported goods. The aim is to encourage consumers to prioritize the purchase of locally made products, which will support the growth of domestic businesses. To further promote local products, the Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM plans to develop a platform specifically for SMEs. This platform will connect SMEs with potential customers and provide them with the necessary support and guidance to compete effectively in the digital market. The signing of the MoU between cooperatives and the UKM ministry is a significant step towards protecting and promoting local SMEs. By reducing the import of goods, the government hopes to create a more sustainable and inclusive e-commerce ecosystem in Indonesia. 下载 instagram 的 照片, 超级 粉丝, instagram likes 粉丝等问题请给我们发送私信,我们将尽快为您解答。

❤️‍🔥 亚马逊将合并菲律宾的跨境电商Shopee,以调整其服装业务。这一举措预计将在2022年实施。❤️‍🔥
