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< g>一、进出口逐季回稳,第四季度进、出口均实现正增长。20 6年,我国进出口呈现前低后高、逐季回稳向好态势。其中, 季度,我国进出口、出口和进口值分别下降 2%、7 9%和 6%;第二季度,进出口、出口、进口值分别下降 %、0 %和 %;第三季度,进出口和进口值分别增长0 %和2 3%,出口值下降0 3%;第四季度,进出口、出口、进口值分别增长3 %、0 3%和 7%。
< g > I. import and export stabilized quarter by quarter, and both import and export achieved positive growth in the fourth quarter. In 2006, China's import and export showed a trend of first low and then high, and stabilized and improved quarter by quarter. Among them, in the first quarter, China's import and export, export and import value decreased by 2%, 7.9% and 6% respectively; In the second quarter, the import and export, export and import values decreased by%, 0% and% respectively; In the third quarter, the import and export and import value increased by 0% and 23% respectively, and the export value decreased by 0.3%; In the fourth quarter, the import and export, export and import value increased by 3%, 0.3% and 7% respectively.real active Instagram likes,how do you host on IG
g>四、民营企业出口比例继续保持 。20 6年,我国民营企业进出口9 2 万亿元,增长2 2%,占我国外贸总值的3 %。其中,出口6 3 万亿元,下降0 2%,占出口总值的4 9%,继续保持出口份额 ;进口增长 %。