ins刷赞 如何提高邮件点击率?Instagram comments for sale,buy ins followers

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - Keep in mind that narrowing the range of choices can accelerate customers' purchase. Research shows that targeted emails have twice as many hits as ordinary emails. Therefore, it is very important to have a clear purpose in your email so that you can know your customers better. In other words, we will get more important information, which is often not available in lengthy emails. The reason why people don't click to sell all products may be that they don't have time to read lengthy emails and don't click on targeted emails. The reason may be that they are not interested in this product.Instagram comments for sale,buy ins followers🟨🟧🟩🟦



想要提升邮件的点击率,首先要做的就是再分类名单!在《 How to increase your expected ROI for email marketing 》一文中我曾经讲到若给目标客户发送邮件,不但能提高投资回报率,而且对订阅者的数据分析也会更精准。是的,一旦邮件发送给感兴趣的订阅者,开启率与点击率也将大大提高。那么该怎么做才能提高邮件的点击率呢?以下 6 大建议供您参考。

1. 开门见山 — CTA

首先,要明确发送邮件的目标。订阅者开启邮件后,推广内容越清晰明了,订阅者点击购买的可能性就越大。换言之,邮件不能长篇大论, 好一封邮件推销一款产品,或者围绕一个主题介绍商品。若邮件中商品品种过多,则会加重订阅者的阅读负担,不利于提高点击率。



Keep in mind that narrowing the range of choices can accelerate customers' purchase. Research shows that targeted emails have twice as many hits as ordinary emails. Therefore, it is very important to have a clear purpose in your email so that you can know your customers better. In other words, we will get more important information, which is often not available in lengthy emails. The reason why people don't click to sell all products may be that they don't have time to read lengthy emails and don't click on targeted emails. The reason may be that they are not interested in this product.Instagram comments for sale,buy ins followers

2. 明确清晰的 CTA

订阅者开启邮件后,首先呈现的应该是折扣优惠及 CTA。这就意味着,您需要测试 CTA 在桌上型或移动设备型中是否能达到一屏显示的效果,让收件人在快速浏览邮件时眼前一亮。

因此,一封邮件中要设置多个清晰明确的 CTA。您可以在 Benchmark 添加“按钮”突出您的 CTA。我建议在邮件一屏显示时要至少设置一个 CTA,而其他的 CTA 可以用按钮形式展现。例如售卖背包,若要以一个新款式的背包为卖点,此时您可以在邮件顶端设置这款新背包的 CTA。邮件继续往下拉,你可以通过设置 CTA 按钮并排介绍该背包的产品特征,若订阅者对此类背包感兴趣,可以点击底下的 CTA 按钮购买,简单快捷,还能提高邮件的点击率。而且,还可以通过订阅者对不同产品特征的点击数得知订阅者的喜好。

3. 在社交平台推广您的邮件

大家不要小看了这个方法,社交推广非常有效。那该怎么做呢?首先需在邮件添加社交媒体分享的按键!订阅者一直活跃于各大社交平台,您需要吸引他们分享您的邮件。即便是小小的“点赞”按钮,一旦订阅者点击了,他们的粉丝朋友也将看到这一动作,若他们对您的产品感兴趣,或许在您还在为销售烦恼的时候,商品就已经卖断货了!当然这是比较夸张的说法,也是比较个别的案例,但是 Dollar Shave Club 和 Poo-Pourri 可以证明在社交平台分享邮件是非常有效的营销方式。

4. 实体店


5. 紧迫感

想要订阅者点击邮件,您需要营造一种紧迫感。因为若您的优惠持续一个月,订阅者很可能会忘记购买。时效性邮件能帮您识别出订阅者只想逛逛还是真正愿意购买。但是,发送时效性邮件也可能会让您丢失顾客,因为有时候一些公司发送时效性邮件中含有折扣,假如 封失败了,接着再发送第二封折扣更多的邮件。这时商家需要注意,这会给订阅者一个错觉,让他们觉得下一封邮件折扣会更划算,更不利于提高邮件的点击。


发送邮件就像约会一样,邮件发送前应该要测试购买路线是否能成功。相信我,订阅者也是这样子想的。所以若您必须设置明确的营销流程,根据流程发送相应的邮件,引导他们浏览您的网站,从而提高网站的访问量。如果将博客的所有内容都摆放在邮件中,他们就不会去浏览您的网站了。因此您可以在邮件中放置每周或每月的博客简介,在每篇博客下添加 CTA 按键链接至网站,让读者可以阅读完整的博文。就像售卖商品一样,这种方式也让您知道读者喜欢哪一类型的博文,也让你的邮件看上去简单明了,方便阅读。

Sending an email is like an appointment. Before sending an email, you should test whether the purchase route can succeed. Trust me, that's what subscribers think. Therefore, if you must set up a clear marketing process, send corresponding emails according to the process and guide them to browse your website, so as to improve the traffic of the website. If you put all the content of your blog in your email, they won't visit your website. Therefore, you can put weekly or monthly blog introduction in the email, and add CTA key link to the website under each blog, so that readers can read the complete blog. Just like selling goods, this method also lets you know which type of blog readers like, and makes your email look simple and easy to read.Instagram comments for sale,buy ins followers

希望以上 6 个小建议能助您提升邮件点击率。欢迎在讨论区留下您宝贵的意见。

