ins刷赞 eBay 2020年第一季度净营收23.74亿美元 略低于预期Instagram followers,ins subscri

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - 据了解,今年1月份,eBay也发布了2019年全年财报。财报显示,eBay第四季度净营收为28.21亿美元,同比下降2%;来自于持续运营业务的净利润为5.58亿美元,同比下降27%;不按照美国通用会计准则,第四季度来自于持续运营业务的净利润6.61亿美元,同比下降2%。🟨🟧🟩🟦

4月30日消息,eBay于今日发布了2020财年 季度财报,营收略低于预期。

财报显示,2020财年 季度,eBay净营收23.74亿美元,较去年同期下降2%;来自于持续运营业务的净利润4.85亿美元,同比下降6%;来自持续运营业务的每股摊薄收益为0.64美元,同比增长12%。

According to the financial report, in the quarter of fiscal year 2020, eBay's net revenue was $2.374 billion, down 2% from the same period last year; The net profit from continuing operations was US $485 million, a year-on-year decrease of 6%; Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations was $0.64, a year-on-year increase of 12%.Instagram followers,ins subscribers buy cheap

若不计入某些一次性项目,eBay 季度来自持续运营业务的净利润达到5.86亿美元,同比下降1%;来自于持续运营业务的每股摊薄收益为0.77美元,同比增长19%。

eBay 季度持续运营活动产生的运营现金流为7.02亿美元,自由现金流为6.04亿美元。截止2020年3月31日,eBay持有现金和现金等价物以及非股权投资总额为52亿美元。

尽管eBay 季度调整后每股收益超出华尔街分析师预期,但营收略低于预期,受此财报影响,eBay盘后股价下跌逾1%。



It is understood that in January this year, eBay also released its 2019 annual financial report. According to the financial report, eBay's net revenue in the fourth quarter was $2.821 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 2%; The net profit from continuing operations was US $558 million, a year-on-year decrease of 27%; Not in accordance with U.S. GAAP, the net profit from continuing operations in the fourth quarter was $661 million, a year-on-year decrease of 2%.Instagram followers,ins subscribers buy cheap


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