🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/buyfensi/』 - In fact, the process is very complicated, because you should know that I work in a third tier city. At that time, the enterprise also had the highest salary in the local area, which was incomprehensible to many people. There were many processes of hitting a wall. For example, there is no way to compare with other companies in terms of wages. Soon after, I successfully entered one of the largest foreign-funded enterprises in the local area, new things, endless things, and instantly returned to the feeling at the beginning of graduation.free likes on instagram photo,buy Instagram shares🟨🟧🟩🟦
故事的开头基本相同,怀着好奇心,对新鲜事物充满学习、努力奋斗的心情。很快,随着时间的进行,新鲜感取而代之的是国企的拖沓,换水摸鱼、拍马屁,勾心斗角。日复一日,年复一年,转眼三年很快过去了,虽然三年的时间通过自己的努力我成为当时 年轻的办公室副科长,也成为未来的部门重点培养对象,下一步似乎看到部门副经理的位置在向我招手,看似前途一切光明。但内心有个声音告诉我,我自己已经厌倦了这种环境,每天没有当初的动力,我想的很简单,有更加理想的舞台来学习,成长。2007年那天,生日,一夜未眠,考虑了一个晚上,第二天我依然写完简短的辞职报告,当天走人,当然没有那位女老师那样“世界辣么大,我想去看看”。当时我 的想法是,国企的东西不能给我更多东西,我要去外企。为此我后续的手续违约金等各方面损失很大,在此建议万万不可冲动,以免造成不必要的损失。
The beginning of the story is basically the same. With curiosity, he is full of learning and striving for new things. Soon, as time went on, the novelty was replaced by the Procrastination of state-owned enterprises, fishing in the water, flattering and intriguing. Day after day, year after year, and in the twinkling of an eye, three years passed quickly. Although I became the youngest deputy section chief of the office at that time and the key training object of the Department in the future through my own efforts, it seems that I see the position of the deputy manager of the Department waving to me in the next step, which seems to have a bright future. But a voice in my heart tells me that I am tired of this environment. I don't have the original motivation every day. What I think is very simple. There is a more ideal stage to learn and grow. On my birthday in 2007, I didn't sleep all night. I thought about it all night. The next day, I still wrote a brief resignation report and left on the same day. Of course, it was not as "the world is so hot, I want to see it" as the female teacher. At that time, my only thought was that the things of state-owned enterprises could not give me more things. I wanted to go to foreign enterprises. For this reason, my subsequent procedures, liquidated damages and other aspects have suffered great losses. It is suggested that we should never be impulsive to avoid unnecessary losses.free likes on instagram photo,buy Instagram shares
[20时尚ins涨粉丝网] https://www.20vi.com过程其实很复杂,因为要知道我工作的地方是三线城市,当时的企业也是当地工资 高的,很多人都不可理解,碰壁的过程很多。比如,这其它公司工资这方面根本就没法与之相比。不久以后我顺利进入了当地一家 大的外资企业,新鲜的事物,学不完的东西,瞬间回到毕业之初的感觉。
In fact, the process is very complicated, because you should know that I work in a third tier city. At that time, the enterprise also had the highest salary in the local area, which was incomprehensible to many people. There were many processes of hitting a wall. For example, there is no way to compare with other companies in terms of wages. Soon after, I successfully entered one of the largest foreign-funded enterprises in the local area, new things, endless things, and instantly returned to the feeling at the beginning of graduation.free likes on instagram photo,buy Instagram shares
转眼几年就过去了,其间一步步丛主管、经理到副总、厂长,辗转过西班牙、德国的当地优秀的公司。直到有 我想过,好像迷失了目标与方向,因为我这条路已经走到头了,当地年薪20万到头了。迷茫想不到在工作快十年的时候又来侵袭了。如果单纯从工作的角度,拿死工资的角度已经走头无路了。所以开始了创业之路,跟之前国企的一个好朋友在2010年着手创业,靠着以前积累的各方关系,成为这家国企的一个小小配件的供应商,说实话当初投资后,过年筹备年货的钱都没有了,艰难可想而知。至今企业已经走上正轨,年产值大概千万左右,但没有任何技术含量,利润很低,也没有太大的前途。因为规模很小,几台设备就够,我一直按部就班的推进我个人的职业规划,因为我还有很多想要从事的。
让我觉得从事业务销售没有上限,再说我积累的行业经验,及我外企的语言交流能力,完全可以。下定决心后,开弓没有回头箭,这我心里很清楚,我不想走上一条不归路。所以从一开始,我就告诉自己,我喜欢这个行业,可是时间对我来说比别人落后很多。为了弥补差距,我从一开始就利用所有的时间、精力尽快让自己进入新的角色。功夫不负有心人,我通过一年多的时间顺利积累了非常有潜力的客户,而且是我们行业 大的前几名客户,首个订单成功交付,其它还有7、8个不错的客户。因为我们是做重型机械工程的,订单量一般都比较大,小的几十万,大的几百万。所以我对自己的选择很庆幸,外贸之路很长,才刚刚上路,希望将来能有自己的外贸公司。
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